- 3.4 CCS (Conduct) Rules - The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 impose various restrictions on the Government servants. Important provisions of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 which impose such restrictions and as made applicable to employees of the Secretariat are as given below: (1) Rule 3.
- CCS (Conduct) Rules 1964 CCS(CCA) CEA CS(MA) Download KVS OLD QP Electronics Format Govt. Jobs Income Tax Joining Time KV BSR KV RMP KVS Circular KVS LDE EXAM KVS PRT KVS RO AGRA Leave Rules LTC MCQ CHEMISTRY MCQ Computer MCQ CTET Pedagogy MCQ KVS LDE VP/PPL MCQ KVS PPL ADMINISTRATION MCQ KVS Teaching Aptitude MCQ REASONING MCQ X&XII MP TET.
- As per Rule 15 of CCS Conduct Rules 1964, Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), no Government servant shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government hold an elective office, or canvass for a candidate or candidates for an elective office, in any body, whether incorporated or not.
- Ccs Conduct Rules 1964 Pdf In Hindi Free
- Ccs Conduct Rules 1964 Pdf Download In Hindi
- Ccs Cca Rules 1964 In Hindi Pdf
Firms, organisations etc. Rule 4(3) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 inter-alia envisages that no Government servant shall In the discharge of his official duties deal with any matter concerning any company or firm or any other person if he or any member of his family is interested in such matter in any manner. The undersigned is directed to say that the instructions issued by the Department of Personnel & Training prohibit the Government servants from participating in any form of strike including mass casual leave, go-slow etc. Or in any way abet any form of strike which will be in violation of Rule 7 of the CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964. The Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 No.11013/3/2009-Estt.(A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) North Block, New Delhi, Dated the 7th August, 2009 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 - Guidelines regarding prevention of sexual.
The Department of Personnel and Training is being issued orders from time to time on all service matters including warning with instructions when Govt servant violate the CCS (Conduct) Rules. In that respect, the order insists that not to participate in any form of the strike which will be in violation of Rule 7 of the CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964.
File No.33012/1(s)/2008-Estt(B) (Pt)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Dated the 12th September, 2008
Subject: – Participation in any form of strike/mass casual leave/boycott of work etc. by Government servants – CCS(Conduct) Rules – regarding.
The undersigned is directed to say that the instructions issued by the Department of Personnel & Training prohibit the Government servants from participating in any form of strike including mass casual leave, go-slow etc. or in any way abet any form of strike which will be in violation of Rule 7 of the CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964. The Supreme Court has also agreed in several judgements that going on a strike is a grave misconduct under the Conduct Rules and that misconduct by the Government employees is required to be dealt with in accordance with law. Any employee going on strike in any form would face the consequences which, besides deduction of wages, may also include appropriate disciplinary action.
2. A Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) for Central Government employees is already functioning. This scheme has been introduced with the object of promoting harmonious relations and of securing the greatest measure of cooperation between the Government, in its capacity as employer, and the general body of its employees in matters of common concern, and with the object, further of increasing the efficiency of the public service.
3. Therefore, apart from the fact that any form of strike/mass casual leave/boycott of work would be in violation of the CCS(Conduct) Rules, going on any form of strike will also not be in the interest of the employees. Accordingly, the undersigned is directed to convey that if any employee or an association/group of employees, under any nomenclature, indulge in any form of strike/boycott of work in pursuance of any alleged demands, or send any letter conveying of their intention to organize any such event, in terms of the provisions mentioned in para-1 above, the salary of such employees for the day/days in question shall not be paid and the details of such employees shall have to be intimated by the concerned office where such an event took place to the Administrative Ministry/Department concerned, within 15 days of such incident for a decision on how to treat the unauthorized absence occasioned by such an action by the employees. This will be without prejudice to any disciplinary action that may be initiated against such employees. All ministries/Departments are requested to bring the contents of this O.M. to the notice of all concerned offices under them.
(Suneel K. Arora)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
- Casual Leave (CL) and Special Casual Leave (SCL) Rules for Central Government Employees Maternity Leave – Enhancement of Maternity Leave to 180 days – TN Govt issued orders Casual Labourers (Grant of Temporary Status and Regularization) Scheme of 1993 Leave Rules : F.R. & S.R. – Part III CCS (Leave) Rules 1972 What says Master Circular No. 10 Section 7.9 on Special Casual Leave Work from Home (WFH) should not be treated as Paid Leave for Govt Employees Reimbursement of Children Education Allowance – Both are Government servants Amendment in Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 regarding acceptance of gifts by Government servants Grant of Child Care Leave to women Government employees – Clarification issued by DOPT
DOPT – CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 – Revision in limit for intimation in respect of transactions in sale and purchase of shares, securities, debentures
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment A-III Desk
North Block, New Delhi-110001
Date: 07.02.2019
Ccs Conduct Rules 1964 Pdf In Hindi Free

Subject: CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 – Revision in limit for intimation in respect of transactions in sale and purchase of shares, securities, debentures etc.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. No. 11013/6/91-Ests.(A) dated 08.04.1992 prescribing the following limit of transactions in shares, securities, debentures or mutual funds scheme, etc for intimation to Government in a prescribed format:
(i) Group ‘A’ and ‘B’ Officers – If the total transaction in shares, securities, debentures or mutual funds scheme etc. exceeds Rs. 50,000/- during the calendar year.
(ii) Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ Officers – If the total transaction in shares, securities, debentures or mutual funds scheme etc. exceeds Rs. 25,000/- during calendar year.
Ccs Conduct Rules 1964 Pdf Download In Hindi
- Sub-rule (1) of the Rule 16 provides that no Government servant shall speculate in any stock, share or other investment. It has also been explained that frequent purchase or sale or both, of share, securities or others investments shall be deemed to be speculation within the meaning of this sub-rule. But, the occasional investments made through stock brokers or other persons duly authorized and licensed or who have obtained a certificate of registration under the relevant laws is allowed in this rule. With a view to enable the administrative authorities to keep a watch over such transaction, it has been decided that an intimation may be sent in the enclosed proforma to the prescribed authority in respect of all Government servants, if the total transactions in shares, securities, debentures, mutual funds scheme, etc. exceeds six months’ basic pay of Government servant during the calendar year (to be submitted by 31st January of subsequent calendar year).
- It is also clarified that since shares, securities, debentures, etc. are treated as movable property for the purpose of Rule 18(3) of CCS (conduct) Rules, 1964, if an individual transaction exceeds the amount prescribed in Rule 18(3), the intimation to the prescribed authority would still be necessary. The intimation prescribed in para 2 above will be in addition to this, where cumulative transaction(s) i.e. sale, purchase or both in shares, securities, debentures or mutual funds, etc. in a year exceed the limited indicated in para 2 above.
- This office Memorandum issues in supersession of this Department’s O.M.No.11013/6/91-Ests.(A) dated 08.04.1992.
- In so far as the personnel serving in India Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these instructions are being issued after consultation with the comptroller and Auditor General of India.
- All Ministries/Departments are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned authorities under their control.
- Hindi version will follow.
(Satish Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source: DOPT