Advanced Squad Leader Downloads


  1. Advanced Squad Leader Downloads
  2. Solitaire Advanced Squad Leader Download
  3. Advanced Squad Leader Downloads
  4. Advanced Squad Leader Rules Download

Player Aids for ASL

Advanced Squad Leader Downloads

These handy cards help organize the AFVs and Guns in your OB. No more forgetting extra features because you forgot to check the vehicle notes. No more wondering about what die roll is needed for a hit or a kill at a certain hex range. The core set of nearly 700 cards (in .pdf files) for just $20 USD. Core set includes all vehicles in Chapter H, for the following nationalities: German, Russian, American, British, French, Japanese, Italian, and Finnish.

Advanced Squad Leader VASL Lesson. Lesson 01: How to download and install everything needed to use VASL (Virtual Advanced Squad Leader). One thing I forgot to mention in my video is how to check if you already have Java installed: 1) Hit the Windows key on your keyboard. 2) Type “cmd” and hit Enter to bring up the Command Prompt window. Cloaking for all units, even if some/all set up on map. Majority Squad Type for the Germans is always Lax; for the British always Stealthy. On-map Cloaked SW need not be dm. PIATS: At start of play, British Player may secretly record which units possess his available (by OB or Retained) PIATs. The presence of these PIATs. Avalon Hill's Squad Leader has you leading of a band of soldiers through the Battle of the Bulge, the Normandy Invasion, and Arnhem safely. To become a great leader, you can begin by completing the tutorials that teach you the basics of the game.

ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER ® A comprehensive compendium of ASL-related gaming products. Download FREE scenarios for your game play. Download Play Aids, Charts, and Cheat. Intro INTRODUCTION ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER (heteafer referred to as ASL) is somewhat ‘f misnomer che connotation of “Advanced” suggesting that whichis ‘ore dffcak, While t's tr tet ASL in ll ite depth ry well be more ‘etiled in any respects dan the original basic game, its out bie that Iris for simpler in application than the whole of alts predecessor's part To the purist, ASL should. Tournament; Game Days; Banzai!! ASL is a system based on the original Squad Leader game, but revised and expanded so that ultimately a player can simulate any company or battalion-level ground action in any theater of WWII. Playing pieces (counters) represent squads, half-squads and crews, plus individual leaders, heroes, vehicles and guns.

Solitaire Advanced Squad Leader Download

The Minors Set includes Chinese, Allied Minors, and Axis Minors, and contains over 300 cards (in .pdf files) for only $5 USD.

Note: Future errata .pdf files are included in the purchase price, and will be handled via email or shared documents.


November 2014 Update: Overrun FP, Terrain Costs chart, and a few other improvements added.

February 2015 Update: Minor error to AP CH numbers fixed on 45 cards.

April 2015 Update: Haakka Paalle cards added. VASL images missing, will be fixed when available.

Advanced Squad Leader Downloads

Mid April 2015 Update: Minor Errors on 2 Allied Vehicles, L gun errors on Minors (4 vehicles and 14 guns), Typo on every other Minors and HP guns cards, L gun errors on 7 HP vehicles and 4 HP Guns.

Advanced Squad Leader Rules Download