Hadaka Shitsuji English Patch Download

Hadaka Shitsuji The remaining butlers and endings. Komine, Arisato, Mizoguchi and Extra! The English patch includes a full 100% guide when you download it. Jan 26, 2012 hadaka shitsuji (naked butler) english patch???? Results 1 to 2 of 2. Is there an english patch for this game and where I can download it???

Maeda Tomoaki is a normal university student who lives in a cosy (small) apartment. He spends his time going to school and working his part-time job and lives a mundane life.

One day, he gets into an argument with an unreasonable customer at the restaurant he is working at when trying to help a waitress working there. He got fired and is now looking for another job. However, almost every job he applied for turns him down. With the last brochure in his hand that reads: “Earn 30,000 Yen per day! A job that anybody can do. Duration: 1 month. You just have to sit there. No gender, age or ability restrictions. Interested parties please come personally at the address below.” It was a simple passage with an address but without a contact name or phone number.

Tomoaki finds it extremely suspicious but is tempted by the 30,000 Yen per day offer. He also hopes to add spice to his ordinary life and finally arrives at the address. It is a very huge mansion and he can’t believe what he hears when he is greeted by a man dressed in a black suit and has a bow-tie.

“We’ve been waiting for you, Master/Goshujin-sama”

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Hadaka Shitsuji English Patch Download Torrent

The actual master of the house is away for a one-month vacation. The butlers have a great need to do their jobs, that’s why they send out the brochures to look for a master they can serve.

Thus, life at the mansion begins. Tomoaki’s job as a master is to give orders to the butlers. Preparing meals, washing laundry, tidying up, anything that he can think of to let the butlers fulfill their purpose. Tomoaki is also free to go to university and his own apartment.
As the terms are too good to be true, Tomoaki is wary that it might be a scheme or conspiracy. He wants to test it by seeing how far the butlers would go to obey his orders. “Bark three times like a dog” , “Help me do my report (homework)”, “Wear a panty thong”, “Lick my boot”, etc.

The butlers would obey him, no matter how absurd or unreasonable the orders are.
Soon, Tomoaki’s sleeping sadistic side awakens…

Hadaka Shitsuji English Patch Download Windows 7

[Taken from Ponytale's blog]